Welcome to ICOM
ICOM Automation GmbH is a market leader in control systems for electroplaters. Our company designs, develops and puts into practice the automation software. On the basis of more than 25 years’ electroplating experience, ICOM provides its customers with tailor-made surface coating and waste management solutions.
Here is what we make and do:
- Customised control software for electroplating plants (GalvaCom) and wastewater treatement plants (AwaCom)
- Unbeatable lab and analysis software (LawaCom), operations journal to support maintenance routines
- Development and programming of process control and signal transmission systems for automated plants
- ICOM-planned electrical circuits and construction of control cabinets including screen with test facility
- Expert advice, project planning and realisation of fully-integrated data processing systems for manufacturers
- R and D commissions for the development of new software and automation schemes

Come to ICOM and be convinced: we have the qualities that can turn teamwork into highly successful collaboration.